We're at 22 weeks incubation now and I'm more consistently getting the flippity-flop feeling after I eat or when I am lying in bed on my side. Not so much when I just sitting on the couch though. I'm about 144.5 lbs, and I guess on target for being almost 5 mo 3 weeks pregnant.
I ended up calling my doctor about the itching two Fridays ago. Last Monday I went in for bloodwork but haven't heard back either way if the itchy palms and soles are being caused by cholestasis. I still get it occasionally (last night my outer palms were slightly itchy and Sunday night my soles were a little) but nothing like the intensity that I had the few days before I made the call.
I did experience some random hive-like welts on my back and hips last Friday night. We had eaten Japanese noodles (soba with mushrooms and carrots). I got the itchy welts about two hours later when we got back home. They lasted a few hours and the next day they were gone. I looked up PUPPS and other skin rashes but nothing really showed as being some come and go. Hopefully they won't return.
Because...this past weekend I think I began a path toward pregnancy carpal tunnel in my right arm. All day Saturday I was sitting on the ground for 20 minutes and getting up to move to another stage at the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival in Golden Gate Park. After a long day, my hand started hurting like it was bruised almost. Then my forearm started aching like it does after bowling with a ball that is too heavy. This is all after we got home. Then in the middle of the night my right shoulder ached and was kinda numb feeling but not like it was falling asleep. Just weak. Like I had bruised my bone or had arthritis (which is also a possibility as it rained yesterday). Sunday I wore my magnet bracelet for CT at work and that night it was less painful but still sort of present. Monday my arm still ached (but no longer up to my shoulder). Last night I slept with my bracelet on and my arm feels better today. I'm trying not to sleep on my wrists at all but since I am supposed to sleep on my left side and not my back it is hard NOT sleeping on a part of my arm. I hope to get another massage soon!