Apr 18, 2011

Day 43

So this month's experiment of not watching ovulation was a bust. Around day 37, when I was expecting my period to begin, I began getting sensitivity in my breasts. I've gotten more facial acne as well this month, which I was attributing to my facial wash and hormonal changes. Now, I'm leaning to possibly having polycystic ovary syndrome as the cause. I haven't been diagnosed but the symptoms seem to lean in that direction.

What does that mean? Well, I am going to have a harder time getting pregnant because I won't ovulate regularly or at all. For example, my temperature didn't rise all month to a constant level, but around day 37 as mentioned above, it finally did. That means I may have ovulated then. And that means a 54-day cycle, which is not normal at all. My endometrium will be old, my egg will be old, and prediction will be hard if it continues to be this way in the future.

I went to the gym twice this weekend and plan on continuing with the regular exercise until I lose some weight. Maybe I can trick my body into ovulating properly. Not being able to convert the sugars properly is a cause/symptom of PCOS and I was drinking more beer this month, plus eating more potatoes and starches recently. Diet changes are also in order. Goal: to be 125 with a lower BMI. If I don't get pregnant within the next year, at least I will be fit.

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