May 5, 2011

Signed up for a 5K...

So, I know you aren't supposed to start some bad-ass fitness regimen when you are trying to conceive. But luckily, I am not bad-ass. I can barely jog the 5k setting at the gym and even then I walk a lot of it. I do think I need to lower my BMI (my scale at home says 29% so my goal is 26%, which is still higher than the recommended 24% but something might be wonky with that scale) and having an exercise goal is necessary. So while come August 27 I may not be running or even jogging those 3+ miles, I can at least "train" my body to be fit enough to walk briskly. And hopefully I'll have reached my goal.

If I get pregnant before then, I will be walking the 5k. If not, I will at least be fitter than I am now which might be ideal for pregnancy, but ideal for a non-pregnant me.

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