Feb 13, 2010

Let the Folding Begin!

Yesterday J and I went to Japantown in San Francisco and bought the origami paper at Paper Tree for our 1,000 cranes. We will have two sizes: 3 inch folded and 4 5/8 folded. The larger cranes will be strung on nylon thread and tied with ribbons to the railing of the amphitheater at the ceremony. The smaller cranes will be strung and hung from branches as table centerpieces at the reception. We bought both metallic/foil paper and matte finish. Hopefully it will all work out. The owners of Paper Tree offered their daughter's service for our large project: she had photographs of some elaborate patterns of 1,000 cranes displayed above the paper selection. We declined, but know we have a big task ahead of us. What am I doing blogging?! I should be folding right now.

1 comment:

  1. We've folded about 150 silver cranes so far! Watching the Olympics and folding have been the nightly routine.
